Hedonic motivation
Hedonic motivation

Hedonic value derived from the shopping experience reflects the emotional or psychological worth of

hedonic motivation

Hedonic values are assumed to be associated with gratification through fun, fantasy, playfulness and enjoyment. People with higher hedonic values cannot be satisfied with utilitarian or functional aspects of buying behaviours but enjoyable and pleasurable aspects of them and they regard emotional and psychological values Hedonic consumption is defined as "those facets of consumer behaviour that relate to the multisensory, fantasy and emotive aspects of one’s experience with products." Basically, these values are unstructured, mentally, affective and experience-based Thought of as a gauge that ranges from bad to good and our primary motivation is to keep the needle on the gauge as close to good as possible. According to the hedonic principle, our emotional experience can be

hedonic motivation

This is linked to the classic motivational principle that peopleĪpproach pleasure and avoid pain, and is gained from acting on certain behaviours that resulted from aesthetic and emotional feelings such as: love, hate, fear, joy, etc. Hedonic motivation (as define by Wikipedia) refers to the influence of a person's pleasure and pain receptors on their willingness to move towards a goal or away from a threat.

Hedonic motivation